Why Is ChatGPT So Slow Lately?

Hey all,

Has anyone else noticed that ChatGPT has been running really slow recently? It takes forever to respond sometimes. Any idea why this is happening or how to speed it up?



ChatGPT might be slow due to high traffic or server issues. Sometimes, it can also be affected by the complexity of requests. If it’s consistently slow, try clearing your cache or using a different browser.


ChatGPT might be slow due to high server demand, technical issues, or maintenance updates. Network connectivity and user-side device performance can also impact speed. To improve response times, try accessing the service during off-peak hours or ensure your internet connection is stable.

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On my side its functioning optimal, It could be a problem with your cookies or that you are using VPN extensions which can tend to reduce speed

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Okay, if your device is outdated or ancient, it does not have the resources required for ChatGPT. Put another way, ChatGPT requires a lot of processing power to run smoothly because it is a costly program to run computationally.