Is it wrong to use AI Art just for fun or personal projects?

Hi, I’m part of the disabled community and many of my friends love creating art using AI. I’m wondering if this is a bad thing or if it’s just a fun way to be creative? Is it stealing from other artists? I’m a bit conflicted about it.

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I’m also disabled and use AI to make art. You might get some backlash from people who don’t understand. But it’s complicated. Like, is it stealing if someone hears a tune and gets inspired to create something similar? That’s kind of what AI does—it synthesizes ideas without directly copying someone’s work.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think AI could be a great tool, as long as it’s used in an ethical way.

Using AI isn’t stealing, it’s just like when you draw inspiration from a photo in a magazine. Actually, AI art goes further by not replicating specific pieces. I used to create art myself, but I can’t do much of it physically anymore due to health problems. AI has allowed me to keep creating, and that’s a big deal for me.

That’s a really cool perspective. I’m glad AI is helping you keep creating.

It’s totally fine to use AI. It’s legal and has been for years. Big companies and artists use it too. There’s a lot of noise from people who are afraid their work or jobs are being replaced. But AI doesn’t steal—it’s just inspired by different sources. People freak out when tech changes things, but it’s been happening for centuries.

Oh, I didn’t realize AI wasn’t stealing. I was worried about that because of all the talk I’ve heard about it.

Sidney said:
Oh, I didn’t realize AI wasn’t stealing. I was worried about that because of all the talk I’ve heard about it.

AI just learns from reference data. When tech disrupts industries, people often get upset. But the way AI works isn’t stealing.

Sidney said:
Oh, I didn’t realize AI wasn’t stealing. I was worried about that because of all the talk I’ve heard about it.

People think AI stores the works it learns from, but it doesn’t. It uses data to train a neural network, which is protected under fair use. There’s legal backing, and even major organizations support this approach.

But doesn’t it store data until it’s trained? Also, when companies license data from others, aren’t they profiting from copyrighted material?

In my opinion, as long as you’re not making money off the AI art, it’s fine. It sounds like you’re just having fun with it. If you’re not selling it, I don’t see the issue. But maybe I’m missing something.

I hear a lot of people are against AI, and I wasn’t sure if it was wrong. I’m still figuring it out.

Sidney said:
I hear a lot of people are against AI, and I wasn’t sure if it was wrong. I’m still figuring it out.

The big issue people argue about is whether creators should get paid for their work that trains AI systems. Some think AI will replace jobs, which is a valid concern. But if you’re just using AI for fun, you’re not harming anyone. So go ahead and enjoy it!

Thanks, that clears things up!

Let the critics be critics! Businesses will always use new tools to make money, and AI art isn’t going anywhere. If it helps you, especially if you’re disabled, don’t worry about what others think. Use the tools that work for you!

I have an art degree, and I know that doesn’t mean much to everyone. But art is about expressing ourselves. New tools, like AI, always cause debates. People will argue it’s not ‘real’ art, but I think that’s nonsense. AI art is great for helping people express themselves, especially if you’re disabled. We need to see what new tools can bring.

AI is just another tool. Some people think it’s stealing because the AI models are trained on lots of content from the internet, but I don’t see it that way. It’s no different than someone looking at art books for inspiration. It’s just on a larger scale. If I could look at all the art in the world, I would. AI helps people get creative in new ways.

The main argument is that AI ‘art’ is like a collage of other people’s work. If you look at it that way, is it any different than creating something similar to an existing piece? For example, if an AI combines 40,000 lion images, is that really stealing?

I’m an artist, and I use AI on my PC along with Procreate on my iPad. Art is about having fun, and as long as you’re not selling copyrighted work, just have fun with it!