How effective is Chat GPT for asking medical knowledge questions?

For example, if you asked it, “Why do Class II antiarrhythmics prolong Phase 4 and not Phase 0 when they are supposed to influence Ca2+ channels,” would it provide an accurate answer?

And if you’re not satisfied with the initial answer, can you continue asking follow-up questions to build on it? In other words, does it remember its previous response and allow for a conversation, or is each question treated as a separate query like with Google searches?

I often find myself Googling a lot while watching BnB or Sketchy videos when something isn’t explained well, but I usually need to check multiple sites to get a clear answer. How does ChatGPT compare to simply Googling a question?


It can understand the context of your question and provide relevant information based on its training data.

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For trusted medical advice, never trust online information because some of them are not trustable.
You can certainly ask follow-up questions to ChatGTP and it will remember the context of your conversation to provide coherent and consistent responses. Each question is not treated as a separate query; rather, it’s part of an ongoing dialogue.

In comparison to Google search, IChatGTP offers a more conversational experience. While Google can provide a list of links with potential answers ChatGTP synthesizes information from various sources to give you a direct and clear answer, saving you the time and effort of checking multiple sites.
In addition, you can ask for clarifications or additional information right here, making it a more interactive and seamless learning process.

ChatGPT is like having a chat with a knowledgeable friend. I find it more engaging than just Googling because it can provide personalized responses and insights based on our conversation. It feels more human and interactive, which I appreciate.