How do I utilize Bing's AI art capabilities?

Hey pals, I stumbled upon Bing’s AI art features recently and it seems like a cool way to get creative. But honestly, I’m a bit clueless on how to actually use it. Have any of you tried out Bing’s AI art capabilities before?

I’d love to hear some tips or tricks on getting started and creating some awesome artwork!

Unleash your inner artist with Bing’s AI art tools!

  • Via Microsoft Edge:
    • Open Edge and use Copilot (speech bubble icon).
    • Switch to “Creative Mode.”
    • Type a clear description of your desired image (e.g., “playful puppy fetching a ball”).
    • Bing generates images based on your prompt.
    • Refine your prompt or choose and download the image you like.
  • Microsoft Designer App (Free Download):
    • Similar process as using Copilot in Edge.
    • Type your description in the search bar.
    • Be as detailed as possible for better results.

Extra Tips:

  • Use keywords to guide the AI.
  • Specify an art style (e.g., watercolor).
  • Play with different phrasings of your prompt to see creative variations.

Bing’s AI art is still developing, but it’s a fun and free way to create unique visuals!