DeepSeek, a Chinese AI model, built with H800s, is being talked about as better than the ones from big companies. It cost $5.5 million and took two months to train to this level. It might even have been trained using GPT-4. What do you all think about this? Check out this link:
Welcome to this forum’s AI discussion space
Guidelines for Posting and Commenting
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Make sure your post is at least 100 characters long. The more details, the better the discussion.
- Check if your question has already been answered by searching the forum. For example, “Will AI take our jobs?” comes up a lot!
- It’s great to discuss the good and bad sides of AI, just remember to be respectful.
- Share links or sources when making claims or arguments.
- No question is too silly—except maybe asking if AI will end the world. Let’s keep it grounded.
Thanks, and feel free to reach out to the mods if you have questions or suggestions.
Here’s the link to DeepSeek’s chat interface: