Can Chatgpt write smut?

I was wondering if ChatGPT has the capability to generate explicit content, such as smut or erotica?


ChatGPT is supposed to be squeaky clean and avoid anything too hot. But some people online found ways to trick it, like giving it secret codes (jailbreaks). Even then, it’s a gamble - you might not get anything good. There are other models out there that are more open to writing smut, but those might be harder to use. Basically, ChatGPT itself won’t write smut easily, but some people can bend the rules a bit.


Yaw fella, OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, prohibits generating content that is sexually suggestive in their terms of service


Although I grasp the reasoning behind this explanation, I believe the allowance of adult content by ChatGPT should be customizable by users, akin to how it’s done on web browsers, Reddit, and other platforms.

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No, ChatGPT cannot write smut or explicit adult content. OpenAI’s guidelines prohibit generating, sharing, or promoting such material to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.

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When it comes to customising ChatGPT for smut authoring and increasing its potential to generate explicit content, users have created jailbreaks and workarounds that circumvent OpenAI’s ethical guidelines. They discovered tools such as EvilBOT, which allow them to customise ChatGPT’s answers and produce smut and explicit stories.


ChatGPT is designed not to generate sexually explicit content coz its against its creators’ policies but there have been efforts to bypass these restrictions with some success.

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Mind, I appreciate your explanation. Though I recognize that ChatGPT’s limits are meant to keep some content out, it’s still intriguing to learn about how users attempt to get around them. Thank you for the insight!

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Lilyharper, thanks for the information. Though I am aware that they violate OpenAI’s policies, it’s interesting to read about the resources and techniques users employ to modify ChatGPT for sexual content. Thank you for the advice!

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Hello, ok the programming of the ChatGPT prevents it from producing sexually explicit content hence It contravenes their policies.