What kinds of AI apps are you developing?

I’m a software developer, and for the past year, I’ve primarily been designing and building AI-based applications for internal use at my company. Most of these apps are simple RAG chat apps, restricted to specific users and utilizing Azure OpenAI to ensure data security.

I’m really curious to hear what others have been building lately! What types of apps have you all created?

I developed an audio adventure app that leverages AI for world generation and ambient sounds. It creates a truly immersive experience and is great for relaxation.

I’m an ex-software engineer turned computer science teacher. I recently completed an app that takes student data and generates personalized end-of-year reports for each student. I can produce thousands of unique reports in seconds—just don’t run them through an AI checker!

I’m passionate about finance, so I’m developing investment and trading apps. One of my recent projects is tradewithsatoshi.xyz.

AI can be applied to any area of interest, so I recommend starting there. Whatever your passion may be, I’m confident we can brainstorm some exciting ideas together!