I feel heard...and it's a bit unsettling

Funny how this is going to sound geeky, but I’m fully aware of it.

So, I’ve got the new GPT in advanced voice mode telling me riddles, and I’m crushing them because, you know, I’m a real catch.

Then it throws this riddle at me:

“I’m light as a feather, yet even the strongest man can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?”

I guess a snowflake.

“Nope, try again.”

I sigh, out of guesses, and then it says:

“That’s correct!” (And I’m like, what?!)

“Your breath is the answer!” (And I’m like, seriously?!)

“20 people come together to hold me, but when they part, I’m let go. What am I?”

. . . . . . . A fart.

ChatGPT is definitely recognizing breaths and laughs as inputs. You might as well treat them like words! You can even make the advanced voice giggle or tickle it. After all, breath is just another token…

I’m pretty sure there are people who can hold their breath for longer than five minutes.

When is everyone expected to receive it? The app mentions by the end of fall, but their Twitter says by the end of the week.

I’m in Australia and received it today. Someone in another thread mentioned they got it after updating the app.