Of course, it wants to modernize voting—so it can be hacked, and AI can take over the world.
It seems 13,14,and 15 are basically repeats.
Some of these points are a bit off the mark:
The city pulls water from various sources like rivers, aquifers, or reservoirs, purifies it, and builds the infrastructure to deliver it to your home. All of this involves costs, which are reflected in your water bill.
Cities are grappling with the fallout from reducing efforts against drug issues. They face rising costs from increased drug-related crimes and overdoses, especially from substances like fentanyl. The “war on drugs” never received the comprehensive effort needed to address the issue fully.
Modern voting systems are often vulnerable to manipulation and tampering. Paper ballots, on the other hand, can be reviewed and recounted, ensuring more reliable results. The potential for discrepancies in electronic voting should be a concern.
Higher deductibles in insurance policies can lower your initial premiums. You often have the flexibility to choose the deductible amount that works best for you.
The term “factory farming” is frequently used by those opposed to meat consumption, often with a skewed perspective. It’s akin to letting a biased group control market pricing and manipulate the narrative to suit their agenda.
Bottled water has been crucial in providing clean drinking water in emergencies and unsafe regions. It’s a personal choice, and if you prefer assurance about water quality, it’s worth paying for bottled water. Alternatively, use a reusable bottle and fill it from a tap if you’re okay with standard quality.
The Electoral College is a mixed bag. It allocates votes based on the number of Senators and Representatives each state has, similar to how Prime Ministers are elected in some systems. It helps localize electoral fraud, ensuring that issues in one state don’t disproportionately affect others.
This is essentially a repetition of point #5. Legalizing substances has led to increased DUI incidents, problematic use, and rising mental health issues in those states.
Did you ask it to adopt the persona of an uninformed Twitter troll?
I love the straightforward tone of your GPT. Did you prompt it to write this way?